The Court is held in the City/Village where you received the citation. Cases are called on a first-come, first-serve basis. If you are appearing in court, please bring your citation with you.
The Mid-Moraine Municipal Court strongly advises anyone appearing in court to follow the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations and guidance relating to COVID-19. Face coverings, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes will be available during court proceedings. Please continue the good practice of social distancing.
The Court encourages the vulnerable population (over 65 or individuals with serious underlying health conditions) to contact the court to schedule their case to be heard telephonically or audiovisually.
Default Judgment
If you fail to appear in court, pay your forfeiture, or fail to enter a not guilty plea on or before your initial court date, a default judgment will be entered against you. The court will enter a plea of no contest, make a finding of guilty, and impose a forfeiture. You will receive a default postcard after court showing the amount due and due date.
Online Payment
Failure to Pay a Forfeiture
There may be serious consequences if you fail to follow the Court’s orders or pay the forfeiture. The Court may commit a person to jail for not more than ninety (90) days; or, the Court may order a suspension of your driver’s privileges (license) for up to ONE (1) year [two (2) years if you are a juvenile], or until the forfeiture is paid. The Court can also refer your debts to the State Debt Collection or Tax Intercept. If you cannot pay the forfeiture due to poverty, you may request a hearing for a poverty determination.